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MAE Trading Ltd
icon 0 item(s) is the new online service for our Garden Centre at Staunton Harold in Leicestershire.
We have been selling a wide range of plants, some of which we grow ourselves, and other gardening goods for over 20 years. So you can buy from us online safe in the knowledge you are buying from a established reputable company.


We have just had a great new range of soft fruit plants in. Raspberries, black, white and redcurrants, gooseberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries and more. We also have some unusual varieties like the honeyberry which originates from Siberia, these are like blueberries but with a slight after taste of honey. Gojiberries are supposed to be very nutritional and have anti ageing qualities. Loganberries and tayberries also provide extra interest.